Even the sceptics at Doomberg are coming around to the potential of natural hydrogen.

In its latest coverage of an energy source that it admits would help net zero aims, Doomberg’s writers concede the chances of it working are getting closer.

“We are not yet prepared to call geologic hydrogen a game-changer, but society is far fewer headlines away from such an outcome than most currently understand,” it said.

“Should a hydrogen revolution materialize, the liberating effect it will have on the run-rate of hydrocarbon supplies will be profound.”

The latest positive coverage came after a recent Government hearing in the US – Opportunities and Challenges Associated with Developing Geologic Hydrogen in the United States.

Dr Evelyn Wang, director of the Advanced Research Projects Agency, said there was  potential to stimulate hydrogen production by injecting high-pressure steam into existing iron


“ARPA-E is funding research to support its development,” the article says. “Should such technology prove out, it would vastly increase both the amount of hydrogen that could be produced and the number of locations from which it could be extracted.”

Doomberg summed up: “Not only could geologic hydrogen compete with traditional hydrocarbon fuels, but it could also decimate the rationale for making additional investments in wind and solar.”

Full article here (note paywall).